Zoey Jane of BigLakeGoldens (SS06065802)
Sire: Cliftons Red Ruben (SR76254108) 09/15 (AKC DNA #V845442)
Dam: Shaylee’s Dancing Moonlight (SR79513902) 09/15


Zoey Jane – Zoey came as somewhat of a surprise to us. We were not looking to add any more doggies to our pack, but I found an advertisement for an older, dark red Golden puppy. I immediately called the owner to get the back story on why they wanted to get rid of her, and became very comfortable with moving forward on acquiring her once I found out the owner wasn’t expecting the Golden puppy to be, well, a Golden puppy. The owner was upset that Zoey was always under foot and always getting into mischief, lol (like I said, a true Golden puppy). She has since matured into one of the most well-behaved, well-mannered dogs I have. Zoey has a gorgeous dark coat, almost as dark as Jax! She is willing to learn and is eager to please. She’s the perfect Golden. She became a part of our pack in November, 2018.


*Update 2023 – Zoey has now retired. She is now part of the family and sleeps in her bed right next to mine, which is exactly where she belongs. She always has the “pet me because I’m your favorite” mindset, and I will spend every day reminding her just true that is, and how much she means to me.